Who are we?
We are a friendly and caring group of people who praise and glorify God and encourage one another to grow as follows of Jesus. We seek to reach out and serve both local and worldwide communities. Details of how to get in touch are on our Contact Page

Our Vision  
is expressed in out Vision Statement:  "To be a  church for the local community and to share the love of God by caring for the whole of creation".

We are a United Church,

   a Methodist and United Reformed local partnership, but have many other denominations    represented in our membership.

we try to respond to God’s love in Christ and live out our lives as disciples of Jesus. 

We hope to connect people to God 

We aim to try to do this through carrying out our Mission Statement, which is:

  • To explore the Christian faith together, in worship, prayer, study, talking and listening and service.
  • To welcome people into the church community, regardless of background, gender, gender identity, colour, age or religion.
  • To build a church community that is loving and supportive of one another, safe and resilient in face of change.
  • To equip members of the church to show and share God's love in the local community and in their daily lives. 
  • To act sustainably in the use of our resources and the activities we undertake.
  • To support local and national organisations that share our values and concerns for the whole of creation.

United Church - inside looking East United Church - looking West towards organ loft

You are welcome....In whatever way you see yourself....

You will be most welcome to join us for a time of worship or at any of our activities. Share a cup of coffee, explore the Christian faith, discover God’s love for you, help serve in the local community or in the wider world...We would love to meet you. 

To Contact us
Please go to our Contact Page for more details.